Calculating the Price of Laying Tile Floors


Subflooring Varieties

When calculating how much it will cost to tile a floor, there are a few fundamental factors to remember. To begin, can you tell me about the subfloor? What you’re walking on is something called a “subfloor.” The typical foundation is a flat concrete slab or a raised platform of wood slats or plywood. To create a tile project that looks nice and will stand up to use, particular materials and techniques are needed for each type. In this piece, we’ll talk about raised foundations and how they work.

Ground Floor Foundation Raise

The main challenge of tiling over wood is that whereas wood can be bent and shaped, tile cannot. Ceramic tile that has not been adequately prepared for installation is prone to coming loose as the floor expands and contracts with the seasons. We need to cover the subfloor with a solid surface to prevent this. If the subfloor is uneven or damaged, plywood is a beautiful material to use as a base. The plywood must be cut to fit around fixtures and corners, and screws must be placed every six to eight inches to secure it to the subfloor.

Board of Support

The backer board is placed on top of the plywood. Wonder Board and Hardy Backer are two brands that frequently appear in stores. Don’t forget to budget for many boxes of the specific screws used to fasten the backer board to the subfloor or plywood.

Applying Tile Spacers and Thinset Mortar

Thinset mortar is used to adhere tile to the backer board. (Note that a layer of thin-set between the backer board and the plywood before screwing it down can provide an even firmer floor.) White, gray, powder and ready-to-use forms are all available. Premixed is more cost-effective for smaller tile jobs but can become prohibitive for larger tile installations. Using rubber spacers between tiles helps maintain uniform grout lines.

Grouting Tiles

Ceramic tile grout is placed once the tile has been laid and allowed to cure. Grout for tiles is like fine sand and is used to seal the joints between tiles. After everything has dried and set up, sealing the ceramic tile grout and the tiles themselves is an option. You can apply specific types of sealer using a spray can, while others require a rag.

What You’ll Need to Lay Tile on the Floor

We have a ways to go. You’ll need a wide variety of equipment to finish this task. You’ll need to borrow, buy, or rent these items if you don’t already have them. Plywood cutting saw, screw gun or drill for securing plywood, scoring instrument for cutting backing board. Thinset is spread using a notched trowel (the notches are square rather than triangular, and the size of the tiles determines their size). A tile saw is essential for cutting tile to size and fitting it to walls, floors, and other surfaces such as cabinets and fittings. Since saws are so costly, renting one is preferable to buying one. Tools consisting of a grout float and a spacer remover are also included. The latter two are not pricey, so it’s not a huge commitment.

Checklist of Tile Flooring Materials

Depending on the tile and grout you’re using and the existing subfloor, you may need other tools and materials than those listed here.

Roofing Shingles

A tile saw (either bought or rented) is required.
a sheet of plywood (to replace the damaged subfloor)
A wood saw (for repairing the subfloor, if necessary)
Tack Driver or Power Drill
backer board screws, wood screws
Rubber Tile Spacers for Use with Thinset Mortar
Scoring Tool for Tile Grout
Square-Notched Trowel for Using with Thinset
Sealer Applicator for Grout and Tile Sealer Grout Float for Removing Spacers
A Big Bucket (To Hold Tile Grout Or Thinset)
Large home improvement stores frequently guide the form of classes, tool rental, and even material recommendations. Don’t be shy about getting clarification or making notes. Putting up shiny new ceramic floor tiles is a worthwhile project that can increase the value of your property.

In the Nashville and Brentwood, Tennessee neighborhoods, Debbie Bresee is a licensed REALTOR® and Broker. Visit her website to peruse the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for Nashville and Brentwood mansions.

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