How to Get New Windows Ready for Installation and Maintain Them


Some homeowners may not know that replacing windows is just as messy as painting, so taking the necessary precautions before the installation is essential. To avoid replacing them so soon after installation, homeowners should know the best ways to clean and maintain their new windows. Many modern window frames are made from vinyl; thus, cleaning them like older timber frames is not recommended.

Getting Ready to Put It In

This is a significant consideration. Homeowners are responsible for ensuring the construction crew has a functional work area, that everyone in the house is safe, and that the house is protected at all costs. It’s time to set up shop. Even though you won’t have to set up their office physically, you should still give them room to prepare things in advance. The location should be near both the windows and the trucks, as the team will spend a lot of time moving back and forth between the two; doing so will save time and money spent on transportation. In addition, clear some room near the windows. Clear the area around your desk and windows of any clutter. Backyard, lawn decorations, hoses, and other obstructive items should be relocated. The contractor will appreciate a clean, clutter-free area around the windows. It’s essential to get ready before installing windows. Tarp your furniture if you plan on doing any woodworking to prevent sawdust from getting into the fabric and making it uncomfortable to sit on. Cover the ground the team will walk on with a tarp or cloth.

Prepare to Clean Up

It’s best to start by using plain tap water while cleaning windows. The windows only need that kind of treatment sometimes. Reduce the concentration of more toxic substances to a minimum last. Set aside a unique, soft cloth for cleaning your windows. This lessens the likelihood that the windows will get scratched by dirt or dust that has adhered to the cleaning cloth. If you have questions about how to clean your windows, go to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. If lubrication is required while cleaning, a spray made from silicone will be used, as the manufacturer recommends. A soft brush or vacuum hose can clean a window screen. The space between the window and the screen can easily be cleaned in this way. The same method may be used to clean the tracks of a window: scrub them with a nylon brush and then wipe away any residue with a soft towel.

Product(s) for Cleansing

Vinyl and glass are common materials for windows. These days, window frames made of wood are a rare sight. This means that vinyl windows can’t be cleaned with the same products used on wood ones. Cleaning vinyl windows requires mild cleaning agents. Most makers of finished windows propose the following names in hardware:


Soap with Murphy’s Oil


Homeowners, in addition to these brands, can use the time-tested combination of vinegar and water as a cleaning agent. For the solution to be effective, it should be composed of 30% vinegar and 70% water. Use it on glass or vinyl with no problems. This solution can clean glass just like any other glass cleaner. Mineral spirits can be used if this doesn’t work on a particular stain. A hydrogen peroxide solution of 3 percent can be used to remove stubborn stains. When using homemade remedies, wiping the affected area down with soap and water is best to eliminate any lingering chemicals. Windows can also be cleaned with an ammonia-based solution.

Avoiding Mistakes

Homeowners should avoid certain practices when washing their brand-new windows. It’s possible that you shouldn’t use a power washer on your new windows, depending on their material. The caulk around the window may get damaged or be removed, jeopardizing its ability to keep the space watertight. Dirt will quickly accumulate if you use harsh chemicals or grease lubricants.

Following these guidelines and regularly cleaning and maintaining your windows as the manufacturer recommends will make them appear new for years. These cleaning methods and products can benefit from Bay, storm, double-hung, casement, architectural, picture, and egress windows. If you have any questions about how to clean your windows, you can inquire with the firm that installed them.

Contributing writer Jessica L. Saxton is interested in researching Atlanta window companies because she recently bought a house there. She may have reached the corporation at 877-869-1209 or 6000 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Norcross, GA 30071, by calling or going to either of those locations.

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