More on How to Do It Sort Out Your Multiple WordPress Blogs


Suppose you’re on a tight hosting budget like I am. In that case, you may find yourself in a predicament where you want to upgrade to the most recent version of WordPress for a new blog without giving up the capabilities you’ve come to rely on from the specialized WordPress installation you used in the past. Having many blogs under the same domain might also make it challenging to keep track of individual dashboard credentials.

In this piece, I’ll share my strategies to triumph over these obstacles.

I used a tool developed for that purpose to set up WordPress, which I stole from another Internet marketer. It’s based on WordPress 2.8.6, and as you’re presumably aware, WordPress 2.9.1 has already been released. Several of my blogs use an older WordPress version because I used the same specialized installer.

I have developed a way to streamline the process of creating a new blog to ensure I always use the most recent version of WordPress with all the good features like plugins and themes that I often utilize. Here is the method that I follow.

1. Make a folder in your root directory and name it “sample blog” or something similar.

2. Transfer the WordPress installer zip file here using version 2.8.6.

Third, place the most recent WordPress installer zip file (2.9.1) in the same directory.

Then, use the File Manager in your cPanel to unpack the WordPress installer zip file you downloaded in Step 4.

Fifth, download the most recent WordPress archive and then use the File Manager to unpack it. If one already exists, file Manager will not create a new “wordpress” folder. Therefore, it will extract the most recent WordPress file there. You can use File Manager to copy everything into the example directory. When you do this, all of the old files will be replaced by the new ones.

Make some changes to the PHP files to add your details, like AdSense ID, Akismet key, etc.

Step 6: Move all the files from the sample folder to a new folder using the File Manager, excluding the two installation zip files. Your new weblog will be constructed in this directory.

When using a specialized WordPress installer, delete the wp-config file.

7. Launch the install.php file to begin setting up the blog.

WordPress version 8 now requires a config file to be created.

9. Proceed with the installation as you would with a new WordPress setup.

Using this strategy, I constructed a new blog from scratch, with all the necessary customization, in about 15 minutes.

I created a new Tab group with all the blog dashboards in my browser. Although I do most of my browsing with Internet Explorer 8, I imagine that Firefox users can follow the same steps.

I will open each blog’s dashboard and save it in its tab. Each blog requires a unique user ID and password to access the admin panel. After you hit the Next button, Internet Explorer 8 will ask if it can save your login information. To agree, click the Yes button.

If I ever need to get to the dashboard again, I’ll use the shortcut of clicking the Favorites button (located in the upper-left corner of IE8) and then the Tab group folder. Click the “right arrow” next to the Tab group folder name (or press Ctrl + Enter) to view all dashboards simultaneously. Simply clicking on a dashboard’s unique URL will take you there. Since Internet Explorer 8 “remembered” your credentials, it automatically opened the dashboard(s). You may need to re-enter the credentials the next time you access the dashboards if you remove the cache in your browser.

I’ve organized my blogs into a group of tabs to read them all with a single click.

I believe these suggestions will be helpful.

How helpful were the suggestions for improving your hosted blogs? Online Marketing Journey [] details my process for doing this.

You can also get a free guide to creating your blog if you are interested. Profitable Blogging

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