The Quick and Easy Way to Start a Blog using Blogger Builder and Paid Hosting


Do you feel intimidated by the prospect of starting a blog? Creating blogs for your specialized sites or, if you’re conducting business offline, your customers is a tactic many marketers advocate. Starting a blog can seem difficult if you have no idea where to begin.

My company’s programming staff has developed a novel approach to blog creation, which is excellent news for those who aren’t particularly computer savvy. To avoid attracting the attention of hackers, they worked to make it as secure as possible but still user-friendly enough that even a non-technical person could create a blog in a matter of minutes. The resulting software, Blogger Builder, enables a hosting customer to enter their account, register a domain name, and then construct the blog in three simple steps.

First, settle on a field of study. You should have already purchased your domain at your preferred domain registrar; however, once you have purchased your domain and updated the nameserver information to match your server’s, you should log into your Web Host Manager (WHM) and create an account for that domain. Afterward, go to the Blogger Builder, pick the Install Wizard Tab, and click Install.

A list of your domains will appear in a pull-down menu, and you can select the one you want to use to host your blog. It will look like this: domainusername>@domain/username>, where domainusername> is the username used to access the cPanel. If the true username is rockstar (which I have obscured above), the domain will be displayed as rockstar @

After picking a domain, you’ll be prompted to enter the password (again, the domain’s cPanel password) in the corresponding field.

If you want to install your blog at the root of your domain (such as, you may skip entering a value for the Installation Directory. Simply provide the directory where you’d like the blog to be installed, such as “,” if that’s where you’d like the blog to live. This should be a path to a directory (folder) that has not yet been established; the program will do so automatically.

After completing this information, click the button to the next step.

Phase 2: Blog Statistics In step 2, you’ll inform Blogger Builder of the details of your blog, including the name, admin name, password, and whether or not you want it to be crawled by search engines. Avoid using “admin” as your admin name, like WordPress has done for far too long, together with a complicated password. Experts advise against using “admin” as a username because of the risks it poses. Choose a handle that will be easy to remember while also challenging to guess (so your real first name is out). Password security is essential, but you don’t need to use a 30-character abomination you’ll never remember, even if your life depends on it. If you ever forget your password or have a remark left on your blog, WordPress will send you a notification to the email address you provided.

You can also customize your blog by selecting a language. You can currently select either English or Russian as your language of choice. More might be added down the road. Keep to English for now unless you intend to attract readers from Russia.

At long last, you must settle on a title for your weblog. The name of your blog. If possible, choose a name that includes one or more of your target keywords. After you’ve finished filling out the form, hit “Install.”

You should write down the data that appears once you click “install.” This comprises your blog’s administration panel’s login URL, username, and password. The blog’s theme editor is also easily accessible using the provided links…

Third, modify it to fit your needs. After the production line, your blog will emerge with more features than you first desired. It includes several niche-specific headers and header backgrounds to give your blogs a personal touch. You can modify the blog’s appearance (including its color scheme, column count (1, 2, or 3), menu width, header area width, and many other settings) from this administrative area. Put your imagination to use here! After all, you’re not writing this blog for the search engines but for the people who will presumably subscribe, bookmark, and visit frequently.

Don’t use any color scheme that will hurt your eyes. White lettering on black backgrounds is notorious for causing readers headaches. Remember that not everyone enjoys bright contrasting colors or deep shadowy themes; if you can make the fonts large enough without diminishing the blog’s utility, you may make your site seem any way you wish. When designing a blog, less is more so the information may shine through.

All it takes to make professional-looking blogs are those three simple actions. Before executing these three things, you should have done keyword research for the topic, identified your domain, and set up your hosting account. Logging into your hosting account is the only other step to begin creating blogs after you have the information. Choosing what colors you want your header graphic to be can be the most challenging step.

The Blog Empire Blueprint [] webinar series, presented by blog installation instructor Micheal Savoie, shows you, step by step, how to create a blog empire that generates commissions. The Blog Empire Blueprint training webinars are free to register for.

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