Tips for Buying Swimming Pool Fencing, or How to Install a Fence Around a Pool


While swimming pools are synonymous with American summers, maintaining one is a significant commitment. While regular maintenance, like cleaning and chemical testing, is essential, an excellent fence around the pool is the single most important measure you can take to keep young children safe. A simple fence or wall around your in-ground or above-ground pool can prevent severe injury or death, especially for small children. When looking to put a fence around your pool, it’s essential to pick one that meets local regulations, and you’ll be happy to see every day.

Regulations for Public Security in Your Area

Different pool fence restrictions apply in various areas. Here are some general guidelines:

It is recommended that a fence around a pool be at least four feet high to effectively deter minors from gaining unauthorized access to the water.
Children are less likely to attempt to climb the fence since there is nowhere to put their hands or feet.
Many communities have ordinances requiring no more than four inches of space between vertical fence slats to prevent children from squeezing through.
Building a gate so that it swings outward makes it more difficult for a child to open it if they somehow manage to open the latch. Self-closing latches should be installed at least three feet below the gate’s top on the side facing the pool.
Distance from fence’s bottom to ground level -To prevent youngsters from entering the pool area through the ground, there should be no more than one and three-quarter inches of space between the bottom and the ground.
Swimming pool fence ordinances vary from place to place, so before installing one around your new in-ground or above-ground pool, research your area’s specific requirements. In addition, if you suspect that your pool’s enclosure is too worn or broken to keep kids out, you should have it fixed immediately. Doing so can save you money, maybe even save your life.

Material for a Fence

While security should be your top priority when selecting a fence, other considerations, including your aesthetic preferences, the amount of time and energy you are ready to devote to maintenance, and so on, should not be ignored. Some common pool fence materials and their associated benefits and drawbacks are listed below:

Ornamental metal is a standard option for individuals who want to impress guests with a view of their pool and landscaping. It lasts a long time, can be set up quickly, and needs little in the way of upkeep to continue functioning and looking good. However, this is not the best option to consider if you want a pool fence that also serves as a privacy fence.
PVC — This low-maintenance material can give your home more privacy, keep out burglars, and keep your kids safe. However, mildew can quickly spread on this fencing material if improperly maintained. It also often only comes in a limited number of designs.
Wooden fencing can be altered to suit your evolving tastes and preferences. Additionally, it offers some privacy for your property and is one of the more affordable fencing alternatives available for installation. However, wooden fences need more upkeep than those made of other materials to retain their beauty, strength, and longevity.
All of these should be considered before settling on a particular pool fence. Learn the rules in your area and ask yourself if you’re willing to put in the time and effort to keep the fence in good condition.

You can trust your local home improvement contractor to get the job done right and get you a fence installation [] that will last for years once you’ve made your final decision. Maria Allen is devoted to the subject of home security and improvement. She also works as an Internet marketer for Prospect Genius, which provides low-cost online advertising services to small businesses.

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