What You Need to Know About Direct TV Setups


For well over a year, I have worked as a satellite technician for Direct TV on a contract basis.

If you’re considering signing up for Direct TV, this page will provide all the information you need to make an informed decision.

First, the jargon: There are currently six operational Direct TV satellites in orbit, maintaining a constant position concerning the Earth. Every place in the USA uses these satellites. If the primary satellite (numbered 101) fails, six backup satellites are in a position directly beneath it in orbit. HD and more channels can be found on the two adjacent ones. The remaining two are for Spanish and foreign television. Therefore, the standard, basic service is just satellite 101. The dish is compact, has a single LNB (head), and requires only a tiny opening in the ceiling to receive a signal. A more practical option is the high-definition (HD) KA/KU dish, which uses three LNBs to receive signals from three satellites. These require a larger area of clear sky and greater precision to zone within for optimal reception from all three satellites, making them more challenging to locate. If you are off-center by an inch on Earth, you will be off by a thousand miles in the cosmos. And this gets me to the following crucial points…

One primary reason you could not get a signal at your home is if tall trees or other obstacles surround it. It never ceases to surprise me how many folks, despite being told which direction must be clear for reception, still have zero line of sight and get all worked up when I point it out to them. Make sure you can see clearly. The operator will provide precise search instructions from your given zip code.

Second, IN MOST CASES, installation is at no cost to you. During a standard installation, a technician will position the dish, run a cable to the desired location for the receiver, and then activate the system while guiding you through the interface. That settles the matter. You will need a pole mount if you cannot get a clear view of the sky from anywhere inside your home. On the spot, you can pay $60 for a pole mount. Need to add a line to a space that doesn’t have a receiver? $40 cash. Anything beyond the scope of the standard installation WILL RESULT IN AN IMMEDIATE CASH FINE!

Third, a DVR receiver requires a second cable line installed in the room it will be housed in. This allows you to watch one program while recording another. The floor or wall of the room WILL be bored through. Want to get the cables fish mounted on the wall? The fee is $100. No TV or entertainment center relocations are permitted, but we can make holes in your brand-new Pergo flooring.

Be courteous to us, please. 4. I’ve had so many incredible encounters, thanks to this, to have them all wrecked by some jerk. I make every effort to provide you with first-rate assistance. No one should waste their brief life being miserable.

That’s pretty much it… people have strong opinions for and against Direct TV. My experience has been that the quality is higher, the reception is worse during storms, but the pricing is hard to beat.

Thomas Michael

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