The Art of Website Evaluation


Is your website any good? Does it function properly? How efficient is it? Every company owner and marketing manager should ask themselves these questions.

Need only to inquire within. In today’s modern corporate world, a website is a must-have. We know a website is necessary, but are we making the most of ours?

Website administrators typically have access to tracking software and counters that provide information on site traffic, including the number of visitors, their locations, browsers, and screen resolutions.
Yes, but… I don’t see why anyone would. The main question is whether or not our website works.

Now, if you have a transactional website, also called an e-commerce site, you know the number of sales your site is producing, which is essential; however, do you know how effective your site is? Is lousy layout, awkward design, confusing navigation, and poor text causing you to lose significant sales? How many customers have you lost because you didn’t provide a phone number and an available human to answer questions?

Your company’s website is its “front door” to the world. Small enterprises can appear as large as General Motors and vice versa. Your website’s design should not be rushed, its budget should not be an afterthought, and the designer you choose should be well-versed in more than just code. You need a Web designer that can go beyond the technical aspects of designing a website and advise you on the best way to get your marketing message out to your target audience.

Even if you pay someone to assess your site and provide advice, how confident are you that you will follow it? It may seem clear that you can’t sell someone something they don’t want, but believe me, salespeople always make this mistake. You won’t shell out the cash for a brand-new website’s development if you don’t require one. Therefore, evaluating your current setup is your best bet for determining whether or not you need a new one.

A series of questions is provided below. You’ll know if a new site is necessary if you respond truthfully. After you have gone through the motions, have some coworkers join you. Examine the similarity of your solutions.

Do you know why you have a website?
The point of any website worth having should be made very clear. Having a website because your competitors do is not a valid business rationale. Why do you have this website?
Websites can be divided into the following categories: (a)those focused on making direct sales, (b)those dedicated to providing customer service, (c)websites that teach users how to use a product or service, (d)websites that showcase said product or service (e)websites that generate leads (f)websites that deal with marketing, branding, and positioning (g)websites that generate buzz (h)websites that are part of promotional campaigns.

Can I Easily Navigate Your Site?
Too many big and small companies utilize their website as a dumping ground for all of their past, present, and future activities and musings. That is not going to happen. Customers are like toddlers in that they prefer to be given clear instructions and straightforward responses. The purpose of your website should be unambiguous. Considering how inexpensive URLs are these days, there’s no excuse for not having a dedicated website for each of your significant initiatives and promotional efforts. How narrow is your online focus?

Is your website easy to use?
Everyone knows that websites should be straightforward, that information shouldn’t be buried too deeply, and that nothing should break. Having a website allows you to reach out to others.
If your website is broken, all it says about you is that you’re incompetent. Does your website serve its purpose?

4. Does the design of your website strike a good balance between different priorities?
By their sheer nature, websites have to balance several conflicting goals.
Many factors—including visual appeal, multimedia, frame construction, HTML, Flash, client-side, server-side, databases, search engine optimization strategies, information architecture, marketing communication, and transaction efficiency—vie attention during the design process. Are you putting SEO tactics and unreachable traffic figures ahead of clarity, focus, and communication? Did you begin with a database or other IT solution and then construct your site around that? Does the layout of your website correspond to its intended function, or did you arrive at it because of technical considerations of lesser importance?

5. Does your website represent your company’s true character?
Is your website reflective of and conducive to your advertising goals?
For many locally-owned firms, this is a loaded question. To put it simply, marketing is not the same as sales. Marketing is about telling people who you are, what you do, and why you’re better than the competition.
Enhancing your company’s image, brand, and position is a primary goal of marketing. Does your website accurately represent who you are as a company?

Is your online presence part of a larger marketing strategy?
Far too often, a company’s website has zero connection to the rest of its marketing efforts. Your company’s actions should align with its values, mission, and character. Your viewers will be confused if the presentation on your website is different from the materials you’re utilizing for marketing. Is your online presence part of a larger marketing strategy?

Does your website’s content take center stage?
Once, a very sizable manufacturing client requested a website be created using only a business card and ten 8×10 glossies of old stock. This guy was so worried about what his rivals would think that he hid his wares from the public. That company has officially failed. The adage “content is king” is common knowledge. Is content supreme on your webpage? Is there enough information about your business, its products, and services shown and explained on its website? Can I see some of your previous work? I was wondering if there were any customer reviews available. Have you included instructions for placing an order, utilizing the product, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise? Do you believe that content is king?

Do you offer an adventure on your website?
In contrast to passively consuming media like television, radio, and print magazines, you actively engage with content on the web. Unlike most other advertising mediums, websites allow you to use all available multimedia technologies to convey your marketing message. Websites may engage visitors’ senses of sight, hearing, and interactive touch to get your news and build rapport. The internet is not a brochure. Your website isn’t simply for looking at; it should be experienced. Is visiting your website something special?

Does your website stand out visually? 9.
Even while flashy animated logos have become a symbol of shoddy design that prioritizes appearance over functionality, that doesn’t mean your website needs to be visually dull. Your site’s colors, typefaces, and static and moving images should all be used in a distinctive and purposeful way, and its layout should be clear and easy to use. Your website’s “Look” should be specific and reflect your company’s character. Does your website have a unique design that reflects who you are as a company?

10. Does your website have proper contact information?
A client of mine is in the building industry, and I recall meeting with him. The company’s vice president was fuming. He insisted that his address be removed from the database right now. He would no longer waste time responding to clients’ emails and phone calls. Websites are meant to foster customer communication, not conceal information from them. If you think a frequently asked questions page and some answers to frequently asked questions will be enough, you’d better rethink that strategy. Does your website provide enough ways to reach you? Do you provide contact information (such as email addresses and phone numbers) for the relevant personnel in your company?

So there you go. If you answer these ten questions truthfully, you’ll know if your site is functional or needs to start from scratch.

The websites designed by MRPwebmedia, a web development company, feature cutting-edge audio, video, Flash, and interactive technologies to increase their clients’ commercial prospects.

Sonic Personalities, a concept created by MRPwebmedia, uses professionally recorded voice-overs to successfully portray your company’s image and message on the web and in multimedia presentations like DVDs and CDs.

Visit for further details and demo sites, or call (905) 764-1246 to speak with Jerry Bader.

Read also: What On Earth Is SEO And What Does It Entail?